Explore Your Inner World​

- Welcome to our blog on meditation, mindfulness, compassion, spirituality and the science of meditation -​

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche comments, “To cultivate a steady mind independent of circumstances, we must work with the mind itself. Working directly with the mind uncovers the inherent quality of meditative

Meeting Anger with Awareness and Compassion by Clayton Micallef “Turn to that place in you that knows you are angry. What knows you are angry is itself not angry.” by

Centered and Wide Embed Eyes Closed or Eyes Open: Sharing From Personal Experience by Clayton Micallef Read on Substack

Centered Embed Meditation: Eyes Open or Eyes Closed by Clayton Micallef Should you practice meditation with you eyes closed or your eyes open? Read on Substack

Embedded Post Right Now, Is My Life by Clayton Micallef “When it comes right down to it, the challenge of mindfulness is to realize that ‘this is it.’ Right now,

In answering the question if mindfulness practice can lead to an embodied wisdom, it is best to start with the foundation of why we practice meditation.  Primarily we meditate to

The analogy of two farmers is a story explaining how cultivating mindfulness as an open quality of awareness in our everyday life can be of help.  This post is a

A large-scale study found that Universal School-based mindfulness training did not appear to improve students’ well-being or mental health (Kuyken et al., 2022).  Previously research had indicated that students and