
secular mindfulness

Is There a Place for God in Secular Mindfulness Meditation?

When teaching mindfulness meditation in a secular context, I often encounter situations where people struggle with the nuanced understanding of secularism.  Frequently, I am asked whether individuals who are Christian, Muslim, Jewish or hold other beliefs can attend the sessions, as there is sometimes a misconception that these practices are exclusively Buddhist.  Additionally, some participants […]

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Is There a Place for God in Secular Mindfulness Meditation? Read More »

“And Now Close Your Eyes or Lower Your Gaze”

During meditation, practitioners are usually instructed to either sit with a lowered soft gaze or close their eyes.  We discussed this in a previous article on “Meditation: Eyes Open or Eyes Closed” and how practising with eyes open might be difficult initially because of the tendency to get lost in visual distractors.  Sprawson et al.

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How mindfulness Can Lead to an Embodied Wisdom

Can Mindfulness Lead to an Embodied Wisdom?

In answering the question if mindfulness practice can lead to an embodied wisdom, it is best to start with the foundation of why we practice meditation.  Primarily we meditate to cultivate mindfulness which is conducive to us being more aware of what we experience. 3 dimensions of mindfulness Purser and Milillo (2014) have put forth the argument that mindfulness

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Cultivating Mindfulness analogy

Cultivating Mindfulness: The Analogy of Two Farmers

The analogy of two farmers is a story explaining how cultivating mindfulness as an open quality of awareness in our everyday life can be of help.  This post is a revisiting of a previous post with the difference that it includes a video and a further reflection on the previous one.   Mindfulness technique and

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Universal use of mindfulness in schools not recommended

The Universal use of Mindfulness in Schools not Recommended, Study Finds

A large-scale study found that Universal School-based mindfulness training did not appear to improve students’ well-being or mental health (Kuyken et al., 2022).  Previously research had indicated that students and youth attending mindfulness in schools benefited to some degree from mindfulness practice (Carsely et al., 2018; Johnson et al., 2016; Kuyken, et al., 2013).  Although

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Being Non-Judgemental (Part 2): What Does It Mean To Be Non-Judgemental?

Non-Judgemental (Part 2): What Does It Mean To Be Non-Judgemental?

In our previous post on being “non-judgemental”, we looked at the workings of the “judging mind” and how an overtly judgemental mind can be very taxing and controlling and can leave you feeling stuck in life.  Meditation, through the cultivation of mindfulness, presents an alternative to such a mode of existence through the application of an

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Non-Judgemental (Part 1): Is Being judgemental our default setting? Non-judgemental awareness and the judging mind

Non-Judgemental (Part 1): Is Being judgemental our default setting?

Is this good bad or neutral? Most of the time, we go through our days judging our life experiences, the people we encounter, ourselves and our actions.  So I asked myself this question – “Am I judgemental?” – “Could it be that being judgemental is our default setting?” Personally, in today’s connected world many times

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Non-Judgemental (Part 1): Is Being judgemental our default setting? Read More »

What does mindfulness and being mindful mean - stop Mindfulness exercise it just takes a moment to be mindful

STOP – What does mindfulness and being mindful mean?

Image credit to BD Hypno Plus Mindfulness is the first step the vehicle through which we become mindful.  Mindfulness is like a light that shines out in the dark, allowing us to become mindfully aware of our thoughts and feelings. How these affect our behaviour towards ourselves, other people and our surroundings. Mindfulness and being

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The Wandering Mind and Finding a Suitable Anchor of Attention in Meditation

Finding a Suitable Anchor of Attention in Meditation

“A human mind is a wandering mind, and a wandering mind is an unhappy mind” (Killingworth & Gilbert, 2010, p. 932). This was the concluding statement of a study on mind wondering which found that we spend as much as 50% of our lives lost in thinking.  This can have negative effects on our mental,

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Why do you practice mindfulness

Why Do You Practice Mindfulness?

Recently I was asked by someone why do you practice mindfulness?  Personally, I do not subscribe to the notion that I practice mindfulness.  In essence, formally I practice meditation which is conducive to the cultivation of mindfulness.  As in essence within the formal practice of meditation mindfulness is one of the faucets cultivated through such

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The Two Farmers

The Two Farmers: A Mindfulness Analogy

The tale of the two farmers reminds me of when a friend asked me what is mindfulness?  His question was so spontaneous that it caught me off guard.  That day what spontaneously came to mind was practically the analogy of the two farmers.  Ploughing the field Two farmers set out ploughing their field.  While ploughing

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