
Transformative Potential of Loving Speech and Deep Listening

Sister Dang Nghiem comments that, “It is entirely possible to create new, mindful, positive habits. This is certainly possible with the practice of loving speech and deep listening toward ourselves. Positivity and gratitude slowly become a new, mindful habit.” Sister Dang Nghiem’s comments point to the potential transformative power mindfulness and compassionate communication can have […]

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How mindfulness Can Lead to an Embodied Wisdom

Can Mindfulness Lead to an Embodied Wisdom?

In answering the question if mindfulness practice can lead to an embodied wisdom, it is best to start with the foundation of why we practice meditation.  Primarily we meditate to cultivate mindfulness which is conducive to us being more aware of what we experience. 3 dimensions of mindfulness Purser and Milillo (2014) have put forth the argument that mindfulness

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NYANAPONIKA THERA on The Four Sublime States

NYANAPONIKA THERA on The Four Sublime States

The basis of meditation practice is familiarising ourselves with the mind, how easy it is to get lost in compulsive thinking, noticing such and gently bringing the mind back to our present experience. This is said to cultivate mindfulness, but doing this mechanistically would reduce meditation to an attentional practice. The Buddhist monk NYANAPONIKA THERA

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Memories Of Kindness Meditation Practice - Guided Meditation

Memories of Kindness Meditation Practice

When it comes to teaching mindfulness the memories of kindness meditation practice is one of the introductory techniques we use to explore and cultivate kindness in our lives.  This post will give a general overview of why we do the memories of kindness meditation, the stages we go through in the memories of kindness practice

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The Golden Rule and the Coronavirus COVID-19 - Compassion is the Key (compassion and cooperation are key)

The Golden Rule and the Coronavirus COVID-19: Compassion is the Key

With the WHO finally calling the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 a global pandemic, we find ourselves in an unprecedented situation and tiring times.  As suddenly with such statement, the coronavirus COVID-19 became an issue affecting the whole world and every one of us as individuals in one way or another.  So what can we

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Ending The Cycle of Violence: Can Meditation Help World Peace (meditation world peace)

Ending The Cycle of Violence: Can Meditation Help World Peace?

While researching online, I came across research articles arguing how meditation can help in ending “the cycle of violence” and help achieve world peace through the cultivation of mindful awareness (Brantmeier, 2007; Tanabe, 2016).  Although going through some social media posts on meditation, you might also get the perception of meditation being like “some kind

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Being Non-Judgemental (Part 2): What Does It Mean To Be Non-Judgemental?

Non-Judgemental (Part 2): What Does It Mean To Be Non-Judgemental?

In our previous post on being “non-judgemental”, we looked at the workings of the “judging mind” and how an overtly judgemental mind can be very taxing and controlling and can leave you feeling stuck in life.  Meditation, through the cultivation of mindfulness, presents an alternative to such a mode of existence through the application of an

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Joining Hands: A Flow of Compassion

Joining Hands: A Flow of Compassion

Compassion Joining hands Today during my daily practice of meditation, a particular person came to mind.  I felt a deep sense of openness towards this person and what they are going through. So I engaged in a compassion practice and started directing loving-kindness and compassion towards them.  Strangely when I was directing compassion towards this

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